By Synthia Esther
May 9, 2015. Update: Aug. 5, 2021.
Lets face it, dating, relating, and marriage, is a subject matter that is complex, and often perplexing. The Bible is clear about not being unequally yoked in a relationship. But oftentimes, there are many different opinions as to what that actually means. If we follow God's instruction manual, the Holy Bible, we learn how best to gauge God's will for our life. For those who are dating, God forbids premarital sexual relations. The body is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord... we are to flee from all such sexual temptation. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body (1 Corinthians 6:13, 18).
The Apostle Paul states (1 Corinthians 6:9-11), that none of the sexually immoral would inherit the Kingdom of God. Those who are born again, being sanctified and cleansed, are justified by faith in the name of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:11-12). True Christians, desire and seek to do God's will, not their own. Which means sex outside of the holy bonds of marriage, being God ordained, is not an option for true believers (Hebrews 13:4). True love waits, is not the only fact finding measure God instructs us to seek in being equally yoked with a mate.
Common sense is a virtue God gives us, as we grow to depend on His word for guidance, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding (Proverbs 2). Natural discernment and spiritual discernment being two very different matters. We are to test the spirits, whether they are of God (1 John 4:1).
God gives us wisdom and protection to do so when we seek Him first, in righteousness. Most important is to look at ourselves, the person in the mirror, seeking and allowing self-introspective and the Holy Spirit's conviction, to change us. How can you say to your brother, Let me remove the speck from your eye; and look at the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye (Matthew 7:4-5).
The following is my top five list of the most common personality types (some people may show combined traits), I have encountered in life, both personally and in mentoring, counseling others, that reflect a lack of God inspired, spiritual conviction.
Number Five: "I Love You, I Need You, but let me serve God my way..."
This is the person who thinks they define who God is, and what, when, where, God is allowed into their life. They may claim to believe and know God, Jesus Christ, yet deny and refuse to follow His word, which is God (John 1:1). If a person says they are a Christian, and yet does not seek to study, learn, and grow, by the instruction of God's Holy Word, then this is a person who claims to be "spiritual" without God. If the word of God does not come first in a believer's life, their world, and your world, will come tumbling down, if you allow yourself to become involved.
Number Four: "Whatever you want just don't spoil the moment...."
This is a person who desires a relationship to feel the thrill of love and just be happy. The "just want to have fun" type, is usually very affectionate, and appealing. They like to kindle romance, and enjoy intimate pleasure. Lots of kissing, holding hands, back and neck rubs, cuddling, laughing, and sex with no commitment makes them feel wanted and attractive, which is a natural ego boast. They can date you for years, use you (your body, time, and money) until someone else they think is better, comes along. This one-up person so idolizes physical love, romance, and fun, that they often juggle multiple relationships at the same time. They will often go on dating sites incognito, posting photos while wearing hats and sunglasses (many have been caught doing this) .
They will make you think they adore you whispering sweet thoughts (nothings) in your ear, while in your arms, yet suddenly vanish, dumping you without hesitation. Like a leaf blowing in the wind, they are very fickle. They may fall far short in real life often having passive-aggressive personality defects that can drive you up a wall. They often procrastinate, are late, unorganized, disorderly, and disheveled.
They have a habit of not calling, nor doing, what they say they will do. You can kiss all that romance good-bye if your always having to be a parent figure to someone else or striving to make sense of this person's conflicting signals. No one can complete us, except God! Those who pay to gain vain idols forsake the hope of God's steadfast love - (Jonah 2:8). Our "yes should mean yes" and our "no should mean no" (Matthew 5:37; James 5:12). You will be left feeling inadequate, with a great loss of self esteem, if you allow this "sweep you off your feet". all talk and no walk, immature person into your life.
Number Three: "Let me handle this..."
The "Let me handle this..." person , is a control freak. They take charge, seem to have all the right answers to your questions, problems, and are not shy in telling you so. This "know it all" is one who most often refuses to admit their wrong. The Adam blames Eve, it's all your fault person, will usually blame you for their problems. This defense mechanism is called, "Projection", in psychology terminology.
We all make mistakes. God desires that we integrate our faith by seeking to learn from our mistakes, not shove them under a rug. Self introspection is a virtue not a vice. Though we may toss the dice it is God who determines the outcome (Proverbs 16:33). When we give God complete control of our life, (and no other), we allow Him to cause all things to work out for our good (Romans 8:28). When you allow another person complete control of your life, it is "you" who will suffer a life that's out of control.
Number Two: "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde..."
Mood swings and flings of the heart, a master of deception, and a habitual liar, coincide within a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality type. This person may be suffering mental health issues, and need to take their medication. Mental health issues aside, an active addict will also show signs of this intense personality type. Our main ministry website: / covers the addition subject matter in great detail. The bible calls this spiritual sin split of the mind defect, being "double minded" (James 1:18).
Ephesians 4:22-24, tells us to get put off the old man when serving God, as we cannot serve two masters (Romans 6:11-18). Those in relationship with a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality type, most often feel a lack of peace, suffer self doubt, and confusion.
Number One: "Who needs God when you have me..."
The god or goddess personality type, believes "who needs God when you have me?" They are usually successful in life, or make sure they appear to be. As long as you provide constant attention and reinforcement of their ego and status, you are tolerated. These narcissistic personalty disorder (NPD) types are very dangerous. At the core of the NPD's heart is "grandiosity and fantasy", the need to be admired, without conscious empathy for others. They will kick a dog when they are down and dying, laughing while watching the abused animal anguish in pain.
They often come from a childhood background where they were the apple of at least "one" parents eye (sometimes referred to as "the golden, favored child"), who could do no wrong.
Their patronizing, disdaining attitudes are often masked in public life, and like a slick politician with great sound bites, they can be very convincing. Privately, they show their true colors, as their mask comes off and their criminal double life rears its ugly head. Exploitation of others serve their cause, and seal the fate of those whom they meet that might cause them problems.
They deal in revenge, plain and simple. These megalomaniacs of extreme, exaggerated egocentrism, will always hold their power, prestige, and vanity, above all others, even God. For an in-depth educational review of the NPD personality type visit the titled page: "The Narcissist's Evil Agenda of Mastery and Control". If you desire to read about a few of these personality types who have made the news visit: . If you allow a dangerous NPD person into your life, you will suffer a price only the grace of God can heal.
Always seek the spiritual discernment of God, when making life decisions...
The Holy Spirit of God, is our helper and advocate in life, teaching and equipping us with emotional and spiritual intelligence, and the seeds of spiritual discernment (John 14:26). Seek God's will, word, and ways, ask for His wisdom in all matters (dating, relating, and marriage included), which is given freely to those who are sincerely following Him (Proverbs 2). In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:6).
* If you would like to learn more about God's saving grace, mercy, and love, please visit our website page: "A Free Gift!"
Synthia Esther was the first Christian outreach to shout the true wake-up alarm concerning the diabolical, demonic,11:11 fake awakening deception ( . If you desire to learn more about such science and technological insights in relationship to biblical tend times prophecies, please visit: - Science and Technology induced Oneness Antichrists Doctrines and the New World Order.
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